Avatar 2.0 Beta fingers gone Bento! \o/
First and foremost, I would like to apologize that I notice this late, yes, I just knew about this yesterday because I was too into trying out bento mesh head demos. -_- Ahahaha!
So, here's the story... I was in a social island and saw this resident in kemono avatar (forgot the name) and noticed that her fingers were moving freely. Then, I found out from her that Utilizator updated their avatars- 2.0 beta and Kemono, as well as two of their items.
See URL below for more info of what items Utilizator has updated
As I've mentioned, I have limited items because I'm not socially inclined that is why I can only show and talk to you about what I have which is Utilizator Avatar 2.0 beta.
See video here:
For those who doesn't know yet, you can get your update box by wearing your UPDATE CARD which can be found on your folder, and you will automatically receive the update box. Not much of the content difference really, EXCEPT your avatar 2.0beta body and it's HUD is now version 1.13. \o/
Do the fingers move on their own if you just wear the body?
The answer is No. You need at least a Bento Animation Override (AO).
Luckily, I still have some dime in case of emergency (LOL) and I was able to buy the Voir Bento Cool AO from the Marketplace.
Why Voir? Well, it's actually one of my favorites when it comes to AO. I like how it moves you basing on the AOs names. There's even an included dance, more options for sitting and ground sit animations on their AO and most especially, the price is really affordable. In short, you get the quality you want in a cheaper price. In addition to that, their released bento AOs (I saw two - Cool and (Almost) Still), the price is a special offer. As Su Voir stated under the details of those two bento AOs in the Marketplace, Voir continues to offer the same price for those two bento AOs since they are based on their existing AOs.
Why not inworld? Well, I checked their mainstore and couldn't find the bento versions, but I was able to check there personally how the AO moves you so it still helps if you visit their mainstore and try the animations before buying, which I always do when choosing something to buy. Demo! Demo! Demo! :P
Now, the video shows it all how it works using the two items together -
Avatar 2.0 Beta 1.13v and Voir Bento Cool AO.
See video here:
Honestly, I wanted the video to cover it all from the beginning of getting the update box and talk...you know, your typical video blog but... RL won't let me 'coz of too much noise in the background and if it annoys me, I'm sure it'll annoy you too or laugh at it or have the- "O_o? What was that?" -face. Ahahaha!
Anyways, I hope y'all like it.
Thank you so much!
Have a blessed day to everyone! <3