Happy 6th Anniversary DESIGNER CIRCLE!
(This is a so very late post but I still decided to put it up here because...Well...It's still ongoing. Simple as that. LOL)
Yes! It's Designer Circle's 6th Anniversary and the awesome participating Creators have placed their DC Anniversary GIFTS in their booths (Note: Not all, but most of them). You still have time to get them before the event ends on April 1.
The (majority of-) gifts are free/0L$ and in different kinds; Apparel- Fitmesh, mesh with mesh body sizes, clothing appliers and heels. Also, skin and tattoo appliers, hair, accessories and decor (1). So...Grab 'em all!
BTW, Designer Circle is a.k.a Discount Store...A good place to buy good quality items with cheaper price. \o/
LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tanami%20Bay/149/165/22
For more information about Designer Circle, visit: